3 Kitchen Deep Cleaning Jobs that Need Doing

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1 mins read

In the kitchen, hygiene is everything. However, certain areas of this room in the house can be neglected. Maybe it’s too much effort to remove everything and get into those hard-to-reach corners. Don’t neglect these deep cleaning tasks, though. Doing so could jeopardize the safety of your cooking. Here are three cleaning jobs you need to do more often.

1 - Clearing Mold in the Cupboards

If you think there’s no mold in your home, then there’s a good chance you’re wrong. Just to make sure, get a mold inspection. You may find that there’s some mold hiding at the back of the cupboards. If there is, then hire a mold specialist to remove it completely.


2 - Scraping Food Stuck to the Fridge

If you ever leave open food containers in your refrigerator, then that food will inevitably spill out. From there, it gets stuck over time. Therefore, you need to spend more time scraping that food off and keeping the fridge sparkling clean.


3 - Removing Grease from the Oven

Similarly to the fridge, food spillage in the oven is inevitable. Once you close the oven door, though, you might forget just how full of grease it is. Add oven cleaning to your deep clean to-do list.

Click here to get your home inspected for mold.


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