3 Ways to Boost the Morale of a Football Team

Lively Green Beaver
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Football is a big part of American culture and coaches and sponsors do their best to keep the players occupied and interested in the sport. While some professional players earn money as an incentive to keep playing, other players on high school or junior varsity teams may need some extra perks to stay in the game. Here are some ways you can improve the morale of the team you lead.

1 - Afterparties

Playing football causes an increase in adrenaline in players. After a team wins a game, that adrenaline only goes up. To make the win even more special, consider having afterparties for the players where they can binge on pizza and soda and talk about the game.

2 - Custom jackets

Custom jackets for football players have been around for a long time. They’re still around because of how well they bring a team together. In high school, these jackets are typically known as Letterman Jackets. Players can customize their jackets by adding custom chenille patches to them that have the school’s logo, their name, and even their favorite quote. To learn more about adding chenille patches to jackets, you can visit www.ultrapatches.com

3 - Field trips

Football players typically love anything that makes them stand out from their peers, especially high school players. You can make the team feel special by taking them on field trips to local places - just remember to announce the trip over the loudspeaker at school so everyone knows what’s going on.

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Article info

Published: 2020/11/01 - Updated: 2020/11/01
Total: 250 words

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