3 Ways to Pick a Movie
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Picking a movie can pose a challenge for many people. With an effectively unlimited list of options, how can you possibly choose? If you know you want to watch a movie but just don’t know which one, then here are three ways to make the decision much easier.
1 - Narrow Down Your Options
One way to make the decision easier is to reduce the options. Do this by firstly deciding on a genre. It’s much easier to decide if you’d prefer a comedy or a horror movie than it is to pick a specific release. Make the easier choice first then move on to the more difficult one.
2 - Browse Netflix
If you really can’t decide what to watch by yourself, then let Netflix takeover. Browse a Netflix movie list and see if anything jumps out at you. If it doesn’t, head to Netflix and check your recommendations. They’re bound to be good so just click the first one that appeals.
3 - Check the Latest Releases
Another trick you can use is to check the latest releases. Look at all the movies released in the last month. This gives you a much smaller list to work from, making it easier to pick one.