A New Study Shows People with 2 Children Live Longer

Ambreen Sajjad
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Children are a total bliss for all the parents, they increase their life expectancy and have a huge impact on their life. According to a famous saying ‘2 heads are better than one’, means it’s easy for 2 people to solve a problem than a single person brainstorming and looking for possibilities. The saying is also applicable to parents with 2 kids.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, if you have kids, and you are 60 years old male, your life expectancy increases to 2 years, and if you are a female, your life expectancy increases to 1.5 years.

Why having 2 children determines longer life expectancy?

According to new research, having 2 children is associated with longevity. When you take a look back to 1911 and 1925, every man and woman who have had 2 children had an increased lifespan as they received continuous support from their sons and daughter due to less stress and financial strain which leads to a longer and healthier life.

Parents can have more social interactions and high social contacts which is linked to a longer life. Parents can even adopt healthier life habits, more physical activities, less smoking, and better diets- automatically lead to a healthy life.

Especially a mother with 2 children has a longer life expectancy than those who have only 1 one or more than 2 children. She can be physically more active and have better internal mechanisms. How fascinating is that?

Even adopting 2 children have significant benefits:

The benefits of having 2 children are incredibly uplifting, in fact surprising. Women who adopt 2 children in the past had enjoyed a longer life expectancy as compared to biological mothers with 2 or 3 children.

That’s even more surprising and curious is, when you compare the number of adopted children with parents who adopt 1, or more than 2 children, have witnessed better health benefits and happier years.

Another interesting fact is, adopting 2 children seems to add 3 more years to the life expectancy of mothers. In the past, adopting 2 children have added 4 more years to their life expectancyThis could reflect the support and love given by the children to their parents. So, this is much attractive and heartwarming news for all the parents who want to welcome adopted children into their families. They are expected to enjoy a more fulfilling and healthy life with a happy family.

What’s more awesome is, when you adopt children from different cultural backgrounds, you have a more healthy, happy, and longer lifespan.

So, what are your thoughts about it? Do you have children? How many children do you wish to have in the future?

Let us know your precious thoughts!

For more interesting news, trends and facts, check out my personal blog Ambreen Sajjad and discover everything to broader your perspectives.

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I am a professional content creator and an acknowledged writer who loves to discuss every aspect of life. I have been lucky enough to cover all the subjects of life. From technology to lifestyle, and entertainment to healthcare, I have covered every niche. You can view my blog Ambreen Sajjad and discover what I have in-stored for my potential readers.

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