An improved SharePoint 2010 migration process to SharePoint Online

Aware Maroon Currency
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SharePoint Online is a cloud-based platform with more advanced features and better security than the old SharePoint 2010, so it is the ideal option for organizations who are ready to upgrade their IT infrastructure. However, migration from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online can be an Everest-winning mission.  So, this article will discuss the steps to migrate SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online.

Why do we have to migrate to SharePoint Online?

There are many good reasons why one must upgrade SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online, and these are:

  • First, SharePoint Online is an online service whereby users are able to see their data anywhere and on any device without any issue.
  • SharePoint Online is a newer version, so, generally, it boasts more advanced features compared to the older SharePoint.
  • Since SharePoint Online is a cloud service, users pay for only what they use, without any requirement to make additional investments in hardware.
  • SharePoint Online features more robust security capabilities.

The initial approach to migrating SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online

Therefore, the first approach we will use is the SPMT (SharePoint Migration tool). It is a software that Microsoft provides.


  1. First, install & open SPMT.
  2. Then, click on the Start new migration link.
  3. Choose the 2010 server as your origin and go to Site Migration.
  4. Then, enter your SharePoint server information.
  5. And use your server password and email address to log in.
  6. Then, choose whether you are relocating the parent site or its sub-sites.
  7. And type your SharePoint online URL address in the mailbox link field.
  8. Lastly, name your batch of migrations.
  9. Finally, verify all & click on "Migrate Now."

Issues to consider when using SPMT

Even though the process is simple, it has certain limitations:


  • SPMT occasionally is unable to handle big sizes of big data due to the size constraint.
  • Moreover, the process is lengthy, which is not so convenient for time-critical organizations.
  • Sadly, it has no filter or personalization feature.
  • There are chances of data loss, therefore, always maintain a backup before proceeding with the process.
  • Also, there are some good technical skills involved in the process. Don't use it if you lack it.

Migrate SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online: The second option.


So, the simplest and best method of migrating SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online is by using any professional software. But it's a hard task, so you will need good software. If I am compelled to choose one, then the Shoviv SharePoint Migration tool would be my choice for this job. The software is packed with all the required features, and the software's user interface is very easy, so a beginner can also migrate their SharePoint.

Features of this SharePoint Migrator

  • The software offers a scheduling feature that allows you to schedule the migration every day, every week, or every month.
  • The program provides users with the option of transferring SharePoint information to other cloud servers or shared file formats such that they may import them from one location to another.
  • Furthermore, the software can migrate multiple sites simultaneously.
  • The software also offers the functionality to the users to monitor the whole process from the dashboard and check whether all the pieces of data have been moved or not.
  • Also, the software has a free version where you can test the software on all sides by importing the 20 kb of data.

Migrate SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online in easy steps.

  1. Install and run the application of Shoviv SharePoint Migrator and proceed to the Create Connection page.
  2. Second, input your project name & then validate your SharePoint server login.
  3. Then, proceed to the ribbon bar and click the Create Job tab >> click the Create Migration job.
  4. Now, provide a Job name & choose the connection that you have defined as your source, & move on to click next.
  5. Now, use the filter and schedule option as per your requirement and click next. 6. Lastly, click next to initiate the migration process.

Wrap up

 In this article, we have explained the two ways of migrating SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online. The first is through the use of the SPMT, which is ideal for small-scale migration. But if you are migrating big data, a professional tool such as Shoviv's migrator is useful. This tool offers more sophisticated features and an easy interface to make the migration smooth.


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