Best Greek Transcription Services in US
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Published: 2020/01/21 - Updated: 2020/01/23
Total: 468 words
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Luciasarah is primarily contentwriter and transcriber in Scripts Complete company .
she is well-versed in providing creative writings and books on various concepts of
linguistics, nature-related books, and informational writing for professionals.
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Looking back in human history, the Greek Empire had given birth to most prominent figures. Including on this are the philosophers named Plato and Socrates, as well as the scientists Aristotle and Hippocrates. Alexander the Great, a famous leader, was also a product of this empire. Yet, despite of the knowledge that we have on the Greek history, little did we know when it comes to the Greek language which may affect Greek transcription services.
It is important to know in the field of Greek to English transcription services that Greek was the initial language that make use of vowels in the alphabet system. Also, when doing the Greek video transcription and the Greek audio transcription, it is crucial to learn that the question mark in the Greek language is a semicolon. Basically, every aspect of the Greek language may greatly affect all the process of Greek transcription services.
Facts about Greek Language that Affect the Greek transcription services
Here are some of the interesting facts about the Greek language. Learning those things may give a great impact on the Greek transcription services.
1: The first two letters in the Greek alphabet system is referred to as the “alphabet”.
• The alpha and beta is the two of the primary letters in the Greek language. However, the English is usually utilizing the Roman letters of the writing system. But, even so, the “alphabet” are actually a Greek characters in terms of their language.
2: Words under the Greek language are classified in three genders.
• There are actually three genders of the Greek language namely the masculine, feminine, and neuter that is similar with the German language. For example, the word “the” has three forms in the Greek language which is important to consider during Greek transcription services.
3: Greek is the longest word in the world’s literature.
• The play “Assemblywoman” is written by Aristophanes who was a Greek playwright during the 391 BCE. It was in that play where the longest word was found. The said word is related to a fanciful dish with several types of meat. It is composed of 171 letters in a single word.
4: English words of about 12% come from Greek language.
• Basically, Greek language influenced English in a big way. With this fact, Greek transcription services are also affected in a great way. There are various terms of technical and scientific derivatives come from the Greek. Astronomy, biology, and mathematics are examples of word from Greek origin. Moreover, words like photograph, phenomenon, philosophy, phobia, and other English word that begins with “ph” come from Greek.
5: English also influenced the Greek language.
• In the other way around, English language also affect the Greek relatively that may also influence the Greek transcription services in some way. However, the impact of such is not as huge as the Greek to English.