Choosing the Best Paddle Wheel Flow Meter

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Flow meters are the tools used to gauge the mass and the volumetric flow of fluids and gasses in a pipe. Relying on the flow meter material and type of fluid flow and use in various fields. The flow meters are split into differential pressure flow meters, open channel flow meters, velocity flow meters, mass flow meters, and. Amid these flow meters, the positive displacement flow meters paddlewheel flow meter is a kind of velocity flow meter.

Kind of Velocity Flow Meters:

The velocity flow meter gives the direct relationship of liquid velocity linked to the volumetric flow rate. When Reynold's number of liquid is higher than 10000, the flow meter becomes less tender. They can be distinguished into turbine, vortex shedding, ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and paddlewheel flow meter.

Paddlewheel Type Flow Meter: Classifications & Principles

Paddlewheel flowmeters are divided into two mechanical groups. Initially, it is the tangential-flow paddlewheel flow meter. It has a water wheel formation and second with a windmill house called axis-flow paddlewheel flow meter. The flow of the liquid is directly equivalent to the movement of the paddlewheel. Therefore, turning the paddle with the flowing liquid helps measure the flow rate from the number of turns. Implanted magnets in the rotary axis and on the paddle border help manage the pulses as signs and change the flow rate turns.

The paddlewheel flow meters are applied in water or fluids of their kind and need a straight pipe before and after the sensor. It has three parts, the controller/show, paddlewheel sensor, and the pipe. The sensor has free rotating wheels with encapsulated magnets vertical to the flow, which rotates with the running liquid. The magnet creates a voltage signal which is directly equal to the flow rate of the liquid. The firmer the fluid flows, the higher the frequency and voltage provided. The motor is applied into the pipeline and is available in many materials like polypropylene, stainless steel, and PVDF. This flow meter is very tender because it has to be used in clean fluids to avoid the paddles' clogging. And if fluid other than water is applied, then the flow meter should be used after verifying its adaptability with the fluid's chemical structure.

Perks of Using Paddlewheel Flow Meters

The paddlewheel flow meter has a very easy structure with better reproducibility and receptivity, including easy fitting and low keeping. It has a dense design and can hold a vast amount of fluid at a low cost. It has no pressure drop. Hence it is perfect for gravitational courses.

Uses of the Flow Meter

Regular keeping is needed to obtain reliable results in an ordinary course. They are used to control the chemical metering pump product, get the ideal analysis of default fluid volumes in enforcing systems, an irrigation method, and inform users of the fluctuating flow outside a planned range.


Therefore, the paddlewheel flow meters are the tool that precisely measures the flow of water through paddle rotation. At proteus, you will get the best flow meter for gauging. The quality is reliable and the best of the products. 

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