Customized Collection of Exotic Flowers For Gifting

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Nature smiles in beautiful and colorful flowers. Flowers show deep emotions and also work as stress busters. Apart from that, they are the most famous gifts given at any event and to anyone. Flowering plants can be extensively classified into two parts that are endemic and exotic flowers. Endemic are the ones that can be raised only in a distinct type of geological state.

In contrast, exotic are the exclusive ones local to a different land. They adapt and thrive when added to a foreign ecosystem. These exotic flowers need flexibility. They are used richly in event decorations and elegant flower compositions.


flower delivery cyprus

The tulip is a brother of the lily family, Liliaceae. The demand for this flower advances that of roses. They signify strength, ideal love, success, wealth, and power. In bunches, bouquets, and box, vase, basket forms, these bulbs are heart winners.


flower delivery cyprus

This is one of the most beautiful viewing exotic flowers in the world. Anthuriums are for wedding decor flowers. They have shades like red, white, and pink colors. They signify charity, wealth, and comfort.

Birds of Paradise

flower delivery cyprus

The primary name is Strelitzia, and it is a local of South Africa. This beautiful and romantic flower signifies grace, liberty, trust, power, heaven on earth, prosperity, and loyalty. As an anniversary gift, you might choose this flower.


flower delivery cyprus

Going to the Eastern Mediterranean, this flower signifies reliability. Available in purple, yellow, white, and red shades, this bulb often accents the charm of mixed floral compositions.


flower delivery cyprus

Originally amaryllis refers to tropical lands like the Caribbean, South Africa, or islands in the South Seas. But they can be seen globally without Antarctica. This unique exotic flower signifies pride, artifact, power, and self-confidence.

Calla Lily

flower delivery cyprus

Calla Lily is a local of South Africa. It also signifies energy, the simplicity of youth, cure, and incredible beauty.


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Lotus is the royal flower globally. It has quite a popular native distribution extending from Central & Northern India. Also, East Asia with remote areas of the Caspian Sea. Lotus means honor, culture, self-recovery, and cure.

Lily of The Valley

lily-flower delivery cyprus

Lily of the valley is a very toxic woodland flowering plant with a sweet scent. It is also a bell-formed white flower. It means a return to joy, purity, politeness, virtue, fun, and luck.

Ecuadorian Roses

roses- flower delivery cyprus

Ecuadorian Roses have significant variance. But growing in Ecuador is praised for having the best quality in the world. They please the eyes for their large size. Unlike other roses, they last longer and smell more potent.


gardenias-flower delivery cyprus

These flowers look very similar to the roses. They are rich, and big white petals exude a peaceful aroma. They urge better sleep than being a figure of purity, love, integrity, strength, and self-reflection.


lilacs-flower delivery cyprus

Lilacs belong basically to Europe and Asia, and the European guides took this to America. The peaceful aroma eases strain and tension. Lilacs signify purity, gift of love and are gifted to fresh graduates.


Therefore these are the exotic flowers that are readily available at cosmea gardens. These exotic flowers will make every occasion great. These flowers are elegant and very exclusive. Cosmea gardens do flower delivery in Cyprus and spread happiness all around the world. 

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Published: 2021/06/02 - Updated: 2021/06/02
Total: 533 words

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Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at, He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneurs launch their first successful online business.


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