Divine Solitaires launches at Ratnalaya Jewellers in Patna

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Divine Solitaires and Ratnalaya Jewellers announced their partnership. A press conference was held to mark the beginning of this alliance and was addressed by Mr Jignesh Mehta, Founder & Managing Director, Divine Solitaires and Mr Nagendra Keshri, Managing Director, Ratnalaya Jewellers. After this, Divine Solitaires launched at the Ratnalaya Jewellers store in Patna with an exciting Buy One Get Two (B1G2) offer

Divine Solitaires, the first solitaire brand in India, specialises in loose solitaires and solitaire jewellery. Since its establishment in 2006, the brand has introduced some breakthrough innovations such as a 123-parameter quality guarantee, a Nationwide Standard & Transparent Price List, the Divine Solitaires mobile application and a Solitaire Price Index.

 The brand has partnered with 75 jewellers with 154 stores across 82 cities in India and has also reached out to consumers in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

Patna, being the capital city of Bihar and one of the oldest ones in India, has a population that is partial to exquisite jewellery. The younger generations too share the sentiment but are more attracted to solitaire jewellery because of its contemporary appeal and its property of being lightweight and versatile.


Ratnalaya Jewellers has been serving customers all over the city of Patna with an extensive selection of high-quality platinum, diamond, gold, silver, and solitaires in exquisite designs for over 100 years. The brand offers beautiful temple jewellery, heritage jewellery as well as daily wear jewellery and others.

Addressing the press, Mr Jignesh Mehta said, “We are happy to announce that we are tying up with such a renowned brand like Ratnalaya Jewellers. Their presence and expertise of over a century in the industry is of great value and we are certain that the association will be a great one.”

Mr Nagendra Keshri,MD Ratnalaya Jewellers added, “Today’s consumers look for transparency while buying solitairediamonds. This strategic partnership will help customers in Patna to shop diamonds with confidence.We are very glad to be associated with Divine Solitaires.Both the brands share same value and beliefs and committed to provide more transparency and confidence while buying solitaire jewellery.”

About Divine Solitaires

Founded in the year 2006, Divine Solitaires offers its consumers the world’s finest and brilliantly-crafted quality solitaire diamonds that have been obtained through ethical sourcing and given quality certification. The brand offers a quality guarantee on all their diamonds on the basis of 123 parameters as against the international standard of 40 parameters. Globally, only Divine Solitaires has a retail pricing mechanism that is standard and transparent.

Realising the need for organised marketing of diamonds and diamond jewellery, Mr Jignesh Mehta conceptualized and founded Divine Solitaires and the branding of solitaires along with the core values of consistently offering high-quality diamonds with transparency and standardisation in pricing. Mr Mehta is a 1st-generation entrepreneur, having completed his Masters in Marketing from Australia and a diamond grading course from Antwerp, Belgium. He and his brother, Mr Shailen Mehta, Co-founder, Divine Solitaires bring with them nearly 20 years of rich global experience of the diamond industry.

About Ratnalaya Jewellers

Established in 1960, Ratnalaya was formed under the ideation of visionary Late. Jamuna Prasad Keshri. He believed in the principle of leadership through service and built the brand around the same principle. His wise decisions and inherited experience has made Ratnalaya a household jewellery brand for the past 50 years.

Since 1980, Ratnalaya has achieved remarkable milestones under the leadership of the Group's MD, Mr Nagendra Keshri. Guided by his key growth strategy, the Group has pioneered a holistic approach based on the integrated concept of integration, innovation, and design. His abilities in forging lasting relationships with the customer and understanding their needs enabled Ratnalaya to be recognized as an established jewellery brand. Through his hard work and dedication, Ratnalaya is winning the game of trust on the brand legacy built on personal trust, exquisite designs and unmatched quality.

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Published: 2019/10/24 - Updated: 2020/02/29
Total: 645 words

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