Dominica Citizenship plus Greek Residency , the Advanced Citizenship by Investment Program, Benefits Investors in Many Respects

99 PR Media
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The ACBIP, Advanced Citizenship by Investment Program (Dominica citizenship plus Greek residency), will benefit in many aspects: it will ensure that it can pass through 160 countries, it will entitle to triple Nationality, perform asset allocation, travel at any time, and the cost is only one-third the price of a Maltese and one-tenth of a Cyprus passport. In a word, the passport of Dominica will be the best choice in 2020.


The Commonwealth of Dominica passport provides visa-free access to more than 130 countries around the world, including the entire European Union and the East Caribbean Community. Advanced Citizenship by Investment (combined with Dominica Citizenship and Greek Residency) will be the best choice in 2020 to those who want to make a better plan in the future. They can directly reach the access levels of European citizenship programs (Cypress and Maltese). Considering the advantages of visa-free access to more than 130 countries, offshore assets planning, and living in the European Union at the expense of half the cost and time of applying for citizenship, along with many other benefits, this will undoubtedly be the best choice.


Dominica's Citizenship by Investment Program was established in 1993, the Citizenship by Investment Program legally offers investors who have made economic contributions to Dominica irrevocable second citizenship with no visit to the country required. Such citizens of Dominica have the right to exempt overseas income tax, and its passport provides visa-free access to more than 130 countries around the world, including the entire European Union, the U.K., Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong. Applicants who have passed the due diligence and Citizenship by Investment Unit, and who make economic contributions to Dominica, will be protected by law and enjoy the welfare of a citizen. They can carry with them their family members, and their next generations will continue to have this national identity. Best of all, the Commonwealth of Dominica offers the most affordable citizenship by investment program in the world.

Dominica's Citizenship by Investment Program was established in 1993, the Citizenship by Investment Program legally offers investors who have made economic contributions to Dominica irrevocable second citizenship with no visit to the country required. Such citizens of Dominica have the right to exempt overseas income tax, and its passport provides visa-free access to more than 130 countries around the world, including the entire European Union, the U.K., Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong. Applicants who have passed the due diligence and Citizenship by Investment Unit, and who make economic contributions to Dominica, will be protected by law and enjoy the welfare of a citizen. They can carry with them their family members, and their next generations will continue to have this national identity. Best of all, the Commonwealth of Dominica offers the most affordable citizenship by investment program in the world.


People who worried and doubted to live in a Caribbean country sometimes consider a passport from Cyprus or Malta to be just as good, even better, as there they can choose to either immigrate or just get the passport. However, the price of Cypress' CBI(Citizenship by Investment) program is 2 million euros, and the price is 650,000 euros for Maltese citizenship. In fact, a citizen of Dominica can live not only in Dominica, but they can also live and work in Antigua, Grenada, Saint Kitts, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, and Montserrat. They can live freely in all the countries of the East Caribbean States.

Compared to the Maltese passport and Cypress passport, Dominica Citizenship with Greek residency is likely a more suitable choice for investors, It doesn't cost that much. You can take the citizenship directly and immigrate, pursuing a better life and a sound education for your kids. You can also do asset allocation, travel at any time, conveniently and safely. 


The cost of Advanced Citizenship by Investment Program is only one-third of the Maltese passport and one-tenth of the Cypress passport. Other than that, Advanced Citizenship by Investment Program will take less time to apply (only two months) than Cyprus or Malta, which needs one year to apply.

There are 162 visa-exemption countries for holders of a ACBIP with US B1/B2 visa. While for Cyprus and Maltese passport holders, there are 165 and 169 visa-exemption countries. The fee for ACBIP is 2 million yuan, while the Cyprus passport is 2 million euros, and Maltese passport about 650 thousand euros. For Chinese Cyprus or Maltese passport holders who want to keep Chinese Nationality are not easy. They should work to solve this problem because they can't board a plane flying from China to Europe with a Cyprus or Maltese passport. Moreover, the time of funding sources not being strictly reviewed has passed.

"If you want to go abroad with a large sum of money from China, it will be very difficult. If you have no clearance for legal exit and source of funds, your passports may not be renewed in the future." the writer said.

This year, Cyprus has canceled 26 passports. (Above visa exemption refers to the number of countries for which people have visa-free passports, visa on arrival, online visa, and U.S. visa access)

About Bih and BPROL

The Bih’s articles are all based on the writer's own experiences; He is now simply delivering helpful information to everyone. Everyone can learn how to achieve this citizenship goal at a relatively low cost through the Bih articles. For more information about Advanced Citizenship by Investment Program, it can be read on




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Published: 2019/12/24 - Updated: 2020/01/23
Total: 912 words

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