Gorgeous Pink Carnation Flower Bunches for Your Beautiful Garden

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Also called “flowers of gods,” carnations are plants that grow in hardship zones 6 to 10. Many people are beginning to embrace carnations in their gardens. 

What also makes carnation flowers popular are the various vibrant colors that they come in. Carnation variations also have different meanings making them perfect for all kinds of occasions. Carnations are categorized into three main types. However, they also come in hundreds of other varieties. Caring for carnations is also very easy.

That said, here are some of the beautiful pink carnation blooms that you can plant in your garden.

Dianthus Grataniapolitensis – Cheddar Pinks

These types of pink carnations bloom every summer, and they have a sweet fragrance. Their favorable weather conditions are sunny skies. These fragrant pink flowers don’t do well in wet or cold soils. They make perfect garden flowers since they are densely together to cover the ground.

The Pink Dianthus Caryophyllus

This is the most popular variety of carnations, and many consider these flowers when they want to send carnations to their loved ones. Besides pink, Dianthus Caryophyllus also comes in salmon and red. They do well in the southern part of the country because they favor humid conditions.

Dianthus Chinensis (Chinese Pinks)

Although most carnation flowers do well in high humidity and heat, Dianthus Chinensisdon’t do well in such conditions, they are available in red, pink, or white, and they prefer to grow on alkaline soil. Their native country is China, but they also grow less humid parts in the United States. If you come to areas will little humidity, then this variety of carnations will work well in your garden.

Dianthus Plumarius

If you look around, you will find this kind of pink carnations planted in many gardens. Usually, they bloom from May to August, and when they mature, they can grow up to 2 feet tall. Anyone can recognize them as carnations from their fringed edged petals that are common with most carnation flowers.

Dianthus Deltoides Maiden Pink

This variation of carnation flowers come in either pink or red hue. People use them in their gardens as a ground cover. These variations are short term perennials that do well in well-drained soils and full sun. You can count on these types of carnation flowers to improve your garden, plus they also have a sweet smell. You can use them as an outside décor to add a splash of color.


When looking to improve your garden, pink carnation flowers always work like magic. That is why you’ll find these popular flowers in many gardens around you. Although you will get them in hundreds of varieties, these few are the most popular ones used in beautifying gardens.

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Article info

Published: 2020/10/28 - Updated: 2020/10/29
Total: 450 words

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Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at NamanModi.com, He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneurs launch their first successful online business.


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