How to Measure Flow of Liquid Correctly with the Help of Flow Meters

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Many people can attest that measuring the flow of a liquid is never a piece of cake. That occurs when you want to shift a liquid from one medium to the other. There are many tools used to measure the flow of a liquid. You can also use flow controllers to measure the flow of liquids. Below are ways of measuring the flow of liquids with flow meters.

Use the Right Type of Flow Meter

When it comes to any production plant, flow meters are great investments. Flow meters have various designs. You need to be careful when choosing the right sensor. Most flow measurements are provided by flow meters and flow controllers. They usually give consistent and accurate measurements, as well as easy-to-read displays.

It would be best if you kept in mind that every flow meter is essential in its way. For instance, volumetric flow meters work best for fluids in cases where volume matters the most. In a case where mass is the main focus when measuring, go for Coriolis meters. The Coriolis type of sensor can measure both the mass and volume with a lot of accuracy. You need to check well the kind of flow meters that best meets your needs.

Ensure the Flow Sensor is Installed Well

Sensor installation is very vital in measuring the flow of a liquid. Despite having the right calibration, sensors tend to work badly if they are not installed well. Ensure you follow the set directions to the latter when you want to install your sensor. Did you know that any vapor in a liquid flow meter can alter the meter's ability to calculate correctly? That is why it is vital to install your sensor in a place that will always be full of liquid.

Another trick to aid the measurement of a liquid flow meter is installing sensors far from elbows. When the sensor is close to any disturbing feature in the pipe, it may not calculate the flow as expected.

Be familiar with the Basic Equations

 Even if your installed sensor will automatically calculate the flow, it is good to stay aware. Have at least the basic idea of calculating the liquid flow. If you are not perfect at math, don't worry. There are many simple equations that you can use to know the liquid flow.


When you have proper liquid flow in your machinery, it aids in running the machine the right way. It is vital to keep consistent flow measurements. Use the right flow controllers or flow meters to help you measure the liquid flow correctly.

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Published: 2021/01/15 - Updated: 2021/01/18
Total: 432 words

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