Most popular types of flowers given as gifts

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There are different kinds of flowers existing. They come in diverse shapes and colors. Each of them has its distinctive names and classification. The world has over 400,000 types of flowers, which means every flower has its unique meaning.  

Does that sound like a lot of things to sort through? Then, here is a quick list of the most popular types of flowers.


These are usually known as the Peruvian lilies. This type of flower comes in various warm colors like orange and pink colors, which symbolizes wealth, friendship, and devotion. When exposed to direct sunlight, this type of flower blooms so brightly.


These flowers are found in all parts of the world. They belong to the largest family of plants symbolizing innocence, which comes from the Victorian period. Every color of the daisy flower makes it have different meanings depending on the colors.


It is one of the most popular types of flowers. One of its best things is that it is versatile across the world. The lilies flowers have different colors. They are also the best known for their fragrance and elegance. It can be used to serve as a complement to any other kind of flower.


Orchids are the oldest type of flower that is known to human existence. Scientists speculate that this flower has been there for over 100 million years back. On that note, the orchid has over 30,000 types of orchid flowers. The flower represents love, fertility, and thoughtful charms. But, various flowers have different colors. That means each of their colors represents varying meanings.


Just like its name, this type of flower history alone is colorful. The flower has been growing for millions of years. At the start, they began being used for decoration purposes around homes. Besides that, they are used for medical purposes, perfumes, and festive seasons. You need to store a rose flower in water to maintain its fresh, natural look.


This type of flower is one of the most popular known for its yellow color. It looks more of a sun, a reason it is named as sunflower. The sunflowers symbolize loyalty, longevity, and adoration. It all depends on the flower language. It is a fantastic and good-looking flower that anyone would love.


There are different types of tulips flowers. These flowers come in different colors meaning they deliver varying messages. This type of flower was precious, just like gold, which made their popularity to grow.


This flower has bold blooms that have different colors. Unlike many kinds of plants, this flower grows and thrives well in a shady area. It is a too long bloom that is available for the midsummer season.


The beautiful orange or the golden color of this type of flower depicts the desire to have wealth and success. It is a bright flower with pigments used in both the textile and food industries. The versatile flower marigold is used as a sign of grieving, especially at losing a loved one. It can also be used to celebrate those who have passed on.


If you are searching for flowers, there is a need to know the exact message you want to deliver. On that note, the list of different types of flowers above will help you choose the right flower for various events.

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Article info

Published: 2020/12/16 - Updated: 2021/01/18
Total: 558 words

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Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at, He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneurs launch their first successful online business.


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