#Oasis No More?

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Eating and drinking
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1 mins read

C'mon. This doesn't need to happen. If Apple can build a bazillion dollar headquarters down the road, somebody can come up with the peanut shells to keep the Oasis open.

Read InMenlo report

The news broke a couple of days ago. People are now lining up in mourning for the impending March 7th demise.

The place has been open for 60 years for god's sake. How many names are carved in the woodwork? Steve Jobs, Joe Walsh, John McEnroe, Tiger Woods, Chelsea Clinton, Elon Musk. And those are not the most important people.  

Photo: Paul Chinn, The Chronicle

It's a little funny that the Beltramo name is associated with this fiasco as the villains in the piece.  For many, Beltramo's was legendary as the local liquor store. A target for untold high-school weekend schemes.  Now they're landlords who figure there's more money building a condos or achiever office space than in renting to a piece of history.

Apparently, they own the land under the Dutch Goose as well. Oops.

The good news is that Sand Hill Road is just around the corner.

My hope is that forces for good will step in to preserve the spot that so long stubbornly refused to get off the Stanford Indians name.  We need the institutional memory to remember how far we've come.

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Article info

Published: 2018/02/27 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 219 words

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