Online Abuse: Cyberbullying of Author Karoor Soman- Part 1

Sensitive Tan Monkey
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Karoor Soman, author and writer of more than 40 books was startled to hear from his friend that a blogger of “huge reputation” had posted a facebook video rant against Karoor Soman and one of his books. Karoor Soman was shocked at hearing this. He is familiar and well experienced to know that there in the literary field, there will be critics and opponents.

Karoor Soman viewed them from the context of purely literary criticism and never took such things personally. So it was surprising for him when he was notified that his name “Karoor Soman” was mentioned and allegations of copyright infringement was laid. Knowing very well that there are have been jealous people of questionable repute who have always loathed him; he assumed this has to be false and aimed at tarnishing his name. It was reported by fake media that Karoor Soman supposedly said about this matter directly in a facebook post. How much of this is true or not can be easily guessed? Lol.

In all fairness, if Karoor Soman had said anything during that time of an unrelated matter linking social media and abuse, these cyberbullying liars’ aka online abusers (politically correct term- “critics”) would twist that truth. Today’s social media is used negatively and if it was within a reasonable person’s to respond to it, it is not surprising. Majority of the time, all online abusers and followers have no idea of the complete picture of what’s happening and are quick to make judgements. Some of them have ulterior motives based on revenge, some based on money, and for some others-pure fun of wrecking and disorder.

The book in question was an informative book that was published in India and Karoor Soman was the author of this book. There were two editions of the book.

To be continued…

Disclaimer: I have also right to freedom of expression, to write this about Karoor Soman. I hope you, cyberbullying liars don’t think that this right was confined to your keyboards only. Mr Nitin and Noah. LOL.




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Article info

Published: 2019/04/01 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 342 words

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