Stage Fright?
1 mins read
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Published: 2018/02/13 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 223 words
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I have talked to so many people that have told me their horrific experiences that happened to them while they were on stage either performing, or giving a speech. I have a few to tell myself, but personally, stage fright has never ever been a problem for me while going on stage.
Maybe it's because I have been performing on stage constantly ever since I was very little, and I just got used to it? I'm definitely not saying I do not get nervous, just that the thrill of performing outweighs the scare for me personally.
Many people have given me their tips on how they got over their stage fright, and every single person had different ways of getting over it, but they all had one thing in common: practice. If you do not actually go on stage, the stage fright will never go away! Once you start going on stage often enough, the chances of you relaxing while you are onstage are increased dramatically.
You can even try rehearsing on stage if you can get the opportunity to do so, as it will familiarize you with the stage and make the actual performance more relaxed and comfortable!
Next time its your turn to go a perform on stage, breathe, and think about the thunderous applause that will come after your performance!