Technology, Distraction and Efficiency

Fantastic Chestnut Otter
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Speaking from personal experience, having a device near me or around me while I'm trying to focus on either work or some other important matter is an extremely difficult task. Resisting the temptation of just simply picking up your phone and checking for new notifications is nearly impossible. But, at the same time, technology makes finding the solution to a concept or question you don't understand so much easier. 

Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that technology, distraction and efficiency go hand in hand. 

Since most of the work now a-days is done on the laptop and stored in the cloud, the likelihood of someone simply just opening up a youtube or facebook tab is so high, as it is simply just right there. This immense amount of distraction leads to extreme procrastination, lack of focus, and many other negative traits that would impact the quality of your work and use of time. 

On the other hand, if one does get a grasp of what needs to be done when and not get distracted, technology makes their life a million times more productive and useful. It becomes a huge resource of information that is just one click away. 

I am still trying to learn the skill of not being distracted, and learning to use the technology around me in a way that makes my life more productive and efficient. 

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Article info

Published: 2018/03/09 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 230 words

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