Top 4 Ways to Help Charities Without Spending Money

Active Almond Jaguar
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Cash donations are often the most efficient way to support charities and their causes, but that’s not the only way. There are alternative methods you can try if you can’t donate or have already donated all you could. Here are some of the ways you can help charities succeed without directly donating money.

1 - Put your skills to use

Do you know carpentry? Dancing? Cooking? Some other useful skill or trade? There’s a good chance there is a charity in your region that could use someone with that particular skill set, whether it be as an instructor, a volunteer worker, or someone who can help them with promotional material.

2 - Donate old articles of clothing

Clothing donations can make a huge impacton the lives of those who receive them. If you have some old clothes in good condition that you seldom use, consider donating them. Winter clothing is often particularly valuable for charity purposes. Donating is a great way to free up closet space as well.

3 - Share their social media

Follow your favorite charities on social media, interact with their posts, share their message with friends and your online platform. Charities often use their online presence to attract potential donors and broadcast their message and having you signal boosting their message can help them achieve both of those goals.

4 - Donate a car or motorbike

Another way to support charities is to make a used car or motorbike donation. The donated vehicle will be sold or recycled, you’ll get a tax-deductible receipt for its value, and the charity will be able to use the resulting money for funding. You can find charities that accept vehicle donations with the help of websites like




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