Top 5 Carnation Flower Bouquets for New Year

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When the year comes to an end, it is the time to look back for your moments. It is time to find out how you spent your year and how you wish to end it. Besides yourself, it is time to think about your loved ones too. It is time to gift your loved ones something unique. Carnation flowers are a perfect new year gift for anyone. Carnation flowers have a fresh and attractive look. That is why You must consider carnation flowers as a unique new year gift.
Carnation flowers grow in a wide variety of colors. They are available in pink, white, red, yellow, and scarlet colors. You can also dye these flowers. You can create a color of your choice as you like. Each color has a different meaning. White carnation flowers symbolize purity and luck. Light red carnation flowers signify recognition.
Here is the list of top five carnation flowers you can gift on new year: 

Santa's tulips

Santa's tulips is a bouquet of red & white tulips. It gives a spirit of Christmas. It includes Christmas decoration and greenery. A perfect gift for Christmas and new year!

Christmas Blush

Similar to the previous, this bouquet gives a sense of Christmas fun. It is a Blush of white & red flowers. It also includes Christmas decors and greenery. 

Red Velvet

It is a combination of red roses and pink tulips for the one you love. Red Velvet is one of the best carnation flowers bouquet. It has a pleasant smell and an attractive look. A wonderful new year gift for your special one. 

Silver Christmas

It is a whole new creative bouquet for impression. It is a minimalist decoration bouquet with a white and green combination. Perfect for a friend who loves exceptional gifts.

Snow Fairy

It is an alternative Christmas creation bouquet. This bouquet is best suitable for those who prefer something different. It includes variations of white, silver, and green colors.


New year is a very good time to enjoy your holidays. Gifting a valuable and unique gift to your loved ones is a great way to show your love for them in the new year. The carnation flowers we have discussed above are the be4st suitable carnation flowers out there in the market. Gifting carnation flowers is a perfect way to show respect and love for them, and most importantly, these are the perfect gifts to Wish them a happy new year!

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Published: 2020/12/24 - Updated: 2021/01/18
Total: 408 words

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Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at, He is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneurs launch their first successful online business.


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