WebSafety to Accelerate Research and Patents to Track Mobile Activity

Grouchy Cerulean Ibex
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Driver distraction is responsible for more than 58% of teen crashes. WebSafety inc. (OTCQX:WBSI) has researched, developed and used patented technology unique only to their App to monitor distracting behavior on mobile phones while driving.

According to the Pew Research Center, 88% of teenagers in the United States between the ages 13 to 17 have access to a mobile phone of some kind, and 73% of teens have smartphones. Smartphones has changed our lives and family dynamics, take distracting driving as an example:

 -Distracted driving accounts for approximately 25% of all motor vehicle crash fatalities.

-At the time of fatal crashes, teens have been the largest age group that reported being distracted while driving.

-Driver distraction is reported to be responsible for more than 58% of teen crashes.

 Finally, a reliable app that allows parents to closely monitor their childrens’ mobile device activity is here! Designed for parents with children of all ages, the WebSafety, Inc. has researched, developed and used patented technology unique only to their App. After years of additional research in order to improve every aspect of the App and user experience, WebSafety, Inc. is the leading research company to provide parents with the peace of mind they all deserve.

 Michele Borba, Ed.D., a parenting expert and bestselling author, believes WebSafety is a must in all households. “WebSafety is an essential tool for all parents of teens and children with smartphones and mobile devices. I recommend the WebSafety app to all parents.”

 CEO and founder of WebSafety, Rowland Day, says, “"our research and patents are needed by so many families that we wanted to make it accessible to all parents."


 8,380,176* – Method of inhibiting functions of a mobile communications device

8,744,417* – Method of inhibiting functions of a mobile communications device

 *Additional Patents Pending

 About WebSafety

 The vision of WebSafety, Inc. is to give clear visibility for parents to monitor and protect their child(ren) from inappropriate behavior on their mobile device. All parents want to do is to protect their children in any way they can. The WebSafety, Inc app enables them to do just that. For more information, visit www.websafety.com.

 Media contact:

 Email: rday@websafety.com

 2510 East Sunset Road

Suite 5-837

Las Vegas, NV  89120

775-464-1980. Office

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Article info

Published: 2019/09/09 - Updated: 2020/05/25
Total: 372 words

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