What is plasma cutting and how does it work?

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Did you know that many companies depend on the manipulation of heavy metal? Many people need metals in making their tools and for transportation purposes. It is a business that takes place every day. For instance, we make cranes, cars, robots, suspension bridges, and skyscrapers. All these and many more are precisely made of metal components. The main reason for this is because they are very strong and durable. That makes them a reasonable choice for many things that need to be big in the likes of sturdy. 

One funny thing about metal is that its strength and weakness are in equal measure. This is because it is good at resisting damage. It is hard to manipulate a metal or form it into various specialized pieces. Are you wondering how people cut and manipulate metals that are needed to build something in large and strong tools? Plasma cutting comes through for this to be possible. Plasma cutting is a common process that has been in existence since the Second World War. A plasma cutter is a simple tool used for this process. It makes work easier by harnessing the prevalent state of matter in the visible world.

In this article, we cut across what plasma cutting is and how it works in shaping the world around us.

How it works

The main reason for the widespread usage of plasma cutters is their ability to manufacture metals component with accuracy. Besides, it is a method of welding that used inert gases that were fed through an electric arc. The science behind the plasma cutter is the heating of gas that is insanely hot to create plasma. This large amount of energy starts to break down the molecules of the gases and splitting even the atoms. From the plasma cutter itself via the workpieces that need cutting forms a finished circuit through an earth terminal. All this is attained by compressing gas, which is blown at a higher speed via a focused nozzle. While the cut piece flows through the plasma, it gives off its heat energy that melts through the workpiece. During this time, the high-speed plasma and the compressed gas blow the hot metals away, which separates the workpiece.

Plasma cutting is a vital method to cut both thin and thick materials. It is possible to cut off from 30mm thickness to 150mm of steel sheet. All this is because plasma cutters produce extremely hot local cones that are used for cutting. Markedly, it is used for both cutting and welding sheets in curved and angle shapes.


Plasma cutter is an interesting, powerful tool that was made in the 20th century. It performs magical results in terms of how it works. Sometimes back, it was extremely expensive and was used to cut huge metals. With time, both the cost and size of plasma have dropped, which makes them available even for personal usage. Metalworkers and artist’s use handled cutters in molding unique works. The tool provides its artists with the ability to bevels the cuts to precise holes.


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Published: 2021/01/09 - Updated: 2021/01/18
Total: 509 words

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