Why the HCG Diet is Most Effective for Fat Loss
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You may have heard of the HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin as the hormone responsible for detecting pregnancy, but did you know that it can also help you achieve your fitness goals? Here’s how.
Your Appetite is Curbed
What makes most other diets fail is the constant hunger you feel. Interestingly, the HCG diet doesn’t make you constantly hungry and irritable, despite the fact that you’ll only consume 500 calories daily. The HCG diet consumes your adipose fats as fuel and reduces your appetite, preventing you to eat more.
Your Muscle Integrity is Protected
The best part about the HCG diet is that it protects your muscle mass, which prompts your body to burn more fat, especially on areas such as the waist, thighs, and arms. This diet targets fat reserves that are harder to lose in other types of diet, even if they do help you lose weight.
You Experience an Energy Boost
Energy slump is one of the most common side effects of most diets, but with the HCG diet, it’s not an issue. Other diets use up your carbohydrates as a main source of energy, which makes you exhausted. But because the HCG diet utilizes your fat deposits, you become more energized and able to sustain your workouts.
Your Blood Cholesterol Normalizes
Being obese makes you a perfect candidate for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. The HCG diet can help you reverse your LDL or bad cholesterol levels by shedding off excess fat and increases the rate of elimination of LDL from your bloodstream.
Your Hormones Become InSync
Hormonal imbalances can create dramatic shifts in your body’s metabolic processes, causing unwanted effects such as weight gain. As your hormone levels improve, your body works like a well-oiled machine. Another benefit of this improvement in your hormone levels is increased sex drive.
HCG diet is the most effective out there, but it’s not always easy to avail. Thanks to iHCG Injections, you can now buy HCG kits for home use!