Word of the Day: Deliquesce

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It's not often I run across an entirely new word. This one is wonderful.


What does it mean? In short, to melt. To liquefy.

“Even now, the bodies continued to degrade, losing shape as they deliquesced.”
Robin Hobb, Ship of Destiny

I ran across the word in Robin Hobb's wonderful Ship of Destiny, the third book in her Liveship Traders trilogy. She was describing an encounter between a group of soldiers and a dragon. Dragon spit is corrosive.















In case you haven't seen it, the Google pronunciation tool is cool. You can choose between British and American pronunciations of words. The animation shows how the phonics work.

Each syllable is highlighted as it is spoken and you can choose to slow the pronunciation down. 

Source: Google

For American pronunciation, you can even practice saying the word yourself and get feedback on how well you do!

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Published: 2020/03/25 - Updated: 2020/05/25
Total: 147 words

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Appreciative Maroon Loris
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The word, and the context you found it in, is intriguing. Thanks for an interesting read!

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