WriterShelf - A Place to be Yourself

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WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented writing platform. Unleash the power of your voice. It's free!
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The Voice of WriterShelf
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1 mins read

WriterShelf gives you the freedom to share your true feelings. It’s a level playing field where you can provide your two cents and tell others what you think.

It lets you be yourself.

  • Share with confidence with the privacy of pen names. Experiment with ideas you are not sure of or are still trying out.
  • Share your expertise. Pen names let you take part in discussions where you may be an expert, without revealing your background.
  • Some things are just hard to say but need to be said. WriterShelf pen names let you share your secrets safely.

Pen names have long served as a shield for those speaking truth to power. They are a comfort for anyone who might think twice before posting to public forums. WriterShelf gives you the freedom to express your opinions freely.

Getting started is fast. Simply sign up, activate your account, choose a pen name and start writing.

Join WriterShelf today.

WriterShelf™ is a unique multiple pen name blogging and forum platform. Protect relationships and your privacy. Take your writing in new directions. ** Join WriterShelf**
WriterShelf™ is an open writing platform. The views, information and opinions in this article are those of the author.

Article info

Published: 2017/09/18 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 156 words

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About the Author

WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented platform that lets you write using pen names.
Everyone has a story to tell. WriterShelf gives you the freedom to be yourself.

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WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented writing platform. Unleash the power of your voice. It's free!
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