WriterShelf is a writer's platform that lets you share your ideas using pen names. It's also a reader’s destination where you can discover the work of others and engage in authentic conversations. The Value of Pen Names Pen names give you the ...
“A pen name is a writer’s best friend.”
“While I was writing I assumed it would be published under a pseudonym, and that liberated me: what I wrote was exactly what I wanted to read.” Nicholson Baker
As a Writer WriterShelf is a unique...
It's the Trailblazers. Round one of the playoffs starts this weekend, with the first two games in Oakland. Charles Barkley thinks the Blazers will win at least'two games against the Warriors. I'm guessing only one.
I say the Dubs will take ...
According to the dictionary, privacy is “the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.” WriterShelf brings the privacy of pen names to blogging and social media. That makes it easier for you to be yoursel...
There's something going on among knife collectors and hobbyists. Folks are looking back to the roots of the art and finding much to like. And I don’t mean antiques. Traditional patterns in folding knives are coming back. Traditional folding ...
Burger joints have become fairly common in Taipei. Bravo Burger was one of the earliest to open and has gone from strength to strength. The original location was a small place just off Minchuan East Rd., not far from the, then, domestic airport....
That game I watched the other day. Steph Curry didn’t hit a single 3. Just about nobody on the team hit any. They still won, but it wasn’t as fun. Or was it?
A big bunch of the Warriors’ magic is seeing them do their ballet. The ball pi...
Why is this so funny?
Would this work with Bill Gates and the original band of Microsoft pranksters. Or Jobs and the Apple crew? Or Obama and his first campaign clique? Probably not. We have just enough inkling of who those guys are. And t...
For so many things in the kitchen, shiney means good. Gleaming is modern. You’re a good cook if all that stuff is polished and perfect. Enter carbon steel. It's a different paradigm. Old school is old school for good reason. And, other than co...