Exercising and Staying Fit
1 mins read
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Published: 2018/03/28 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 242 words
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For those of us who don't have immense amount of motivation to go off and just casually run a 5k, finding reason for us to exercise and "stay fit" is extremely hard.
We all know those people who are constantly on a new diet, following the latest fitness trends, going on the newest cleanses, and personally, I admire those people, as they are finding different ways of improving themselves; but it is never enough to motivate me to try and improve myself.
It wasn't until recently, when I discovered that exercising and keeping yourself healthy should not be as much of a burden as I have previously thought when you put the "social" aspect into it. My friends had talked me into spending about an hour at the gym everyday, and so far, it hasn't been half bad!
Of-course, in the middle of the workout it would seem like the worst thing in the world, but the feeling immediately after, is one that I would never want to forget: knowing that you just did something that would positively impact your mental and physical health.
No, I am not a fitness or health expert, not even close, but what I do know is exercising helps keep my mind and body more healthy and clear, and is something everybody should do; not to look a certain way or follow and certain trend, but to have more control over their own physical and mental health.