Make webbooks a part of the experience you offer your readers. WriterShelf makes it as easy as it gets.
Book sales have arrived. You can now sell your books on WriterShelf. Selling books on WriterShelf is simple and you are in control.
Blogging is a great way to express yourself and a fantastic way to share information with others. It's a way to tell your story your way. It lets you establish your voice in communities you care about and connect with new people. You become a b...
If you’re getting started as a writer and are looking for place to expand, you've found a home.
You can’t judge a book by its cover, but a compelling presentation makes for a terrific start to bringing readers into your fold. First Impressions Matter Readers judge how deep they want to dive into a work by the title and first paragraph. C...
WriterShelf is a writer's platform that lets you share your ideas using pen names. It's also a reader’s destination where you can discover the work of others and engage in authentic conversations. The Value of Pen Names Pen names give you the ...
Start with privacy Pen names open new doors for sharing your thoughts and stories in the way that best suits you. From funny to pointed to carefully unassuming, the options are endless. WriterShelf gives you them all.
Get going fast Writer...
“A pen name is a writer’s best friend.”
“While I was writing I assumed it would be published under a pseudonym, and that liberated me: what I wrote was exactly what I wanted to read.” Nicholson Baker
As a Writer WriterShelf is a unique...
We’re working to make WriterShelf a complete and modern platform for writers and readers.
Looking to understand how WriterShelf works? Here's a tour. See how to get started, set up your pen names and start publishing.
WriterShelf is a writer’s platform that lets you publish using pen names. From experimenting with new voices to building your own community, WriterShelf is a place to share and interact safely and with confidence. Create a Community (or Several...
Here's an example of embedding a registration form from Google Forms in a WriterShelf article. Use the Embed tab under Media in the Insert (+) menu.
Not many of us write kiss-and-tell memoirs. But we all just might have the impulse. Life is full of stories and sharing those stories is something we seem bred to do. Maybe your storytelling is mainly around the water-cooler, the dinner table ...
Structuring your work with Follow-to-Read can help ensure that once readers discover your work, they stick around. This article presents ideas for how to use Follow-to-Read for different types of writing. Share your take in the comments. How are y...
Whether they come from yourself or others, expectations can be oppressive. The chance to escape from existing patterns is the perfect way to inject new energy into your writing. That's what pen names offer. A change in perspective lets you exe...
What's the deal with webbooks? How do they stack up compared with ebooks. For readers? For authors? The Webbook Story A webbook is a website that acts like a book. You read them on your computer, tablet or phone. That makes them convenient.
WriterShelf gives you an simple way to turn readers into fans to build community and lasting relationships. Follow-to-Read articles give readers a preview of the content of an article but readers must follow your pen name to read the full article....
WriterShelf is a writing platform designed around privacy protections. Because your privacy is protected, you enjoy greater freedom to present your thoughts, knowledge and stories. Your blog is leaking your privacy When you blog, you reveal a...
Studying Engineering in Germany: A Pathway to Excellence Germany has long been recognized as a global leader in engineering and technological innovation. Renowned for its robust education system and strong emphasis on practical training, Germany ...
Beyond privacy, WriterShelf offers unique and practical advantages when for sharing messages with the world. In everyday life, we adjust our voice to fit the particular situation we’re in. We speak differently with friends, family and workmates...
These Terms of Use are an agreement between you and WriterShelf. They govern your use of WriterShelf. By using WriterShelf, you agree to these Terms. If you don’t agree to any of the Terms, you can’t use WriterShelf. We can change these Terms a...
WriterShelf is an open platform for anyone to write their views and opinions. We don’t review articles before they are published. We believe free expression deserves freedom, so we believe the best response to bad ideas is good ideas, and feedb...
WriterShelf is a unique hybrid blogging / forum solution for writers or groups to publish content and develop an engaged audience. Combining the best of both worlds, WriterShelf's unique features offer a simplified path for setting up an online ho...
WriterShelf has two ways to offer premium content to build fans and connect with readers. Follow-to-Read articles give readers a preview of the content of an article but readers must follow your pen name to read the full article. Approved Access l...
People are private animals We are all multidimensional individuals. “Who are you?” is an impossible question for anyone to answer fully, so our answers are always partial. When asked, we keep parts of our selves to ourselves. We expose differe...
Welcome to WriterShelf! As much as we love Scrivinor, we figured now would be a good time to update our brand and take on a new name. We're delighted to introduce you to WriterShelf. We think our new name is easier to pronounce and remember. W...
According to the dictionary, privacy is “the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.” WriterShelf brings the privacy of pen names to blogging and social media. That makes it easier for you to be yoursel...
Answers to important questions about buying books on WriterShelf.
WriterShelf is the brainchild of Anthony Hu and Dwight Jurling, with a good deal of help from their friends. Anthony and Dwight originally joined forces at Ulead Systems, the first software company to gain a listing on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. A...
Can I have multiple Approved Access groups?
Can multiple Approved Access groups collaborate?
Writer-1 creates an Approved Access group that includes Writer-2 and Writer-3. Both Writer-2 and Writer-3 create their own Approved Access groups ...