How to be Inspired to Recycle?

Responsive Sand Horse
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lots of different thoughts
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1 mins read

Recycling is a pain. But you see recycle signs everywhere, but pretty much everyone is too lazy to actually do it. It's not that those of us who are too lazy to recycle don't care about the environment, it's just extremely difficult to attempt solve a problem so big and irrelevant (at the moment) to us that even taking a few seconds out of our day to sort our trash just don't seem worth it in the moment.

I'm definitely one of those people who are so lazy and self involved to care about recycling sometimes, but recently, after reading up on global warming and pollutants, my perspective has shifted a little. The way to think about recycling is like having a piggy bank or a bank account: every little piece of trash that is recycled or throw away correctly, is another coin or check added to your piggy bank. Every little piece that is recycled goes into a better future and planet for our generation, the next generation, and all the others down the line. This better future will include resources, quality of life, and pretty much everything that'll determine how the future's generation's life will be. 

I know recycling can seem so unimportant in the moment when you're in a rush, but think about it as your gift to yourself, your kids, and their kids in the future, so they'll have a better environment and planet to live on. 

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Article info

Published: 2018/04/07 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 241 words

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Not written by a sand horse!! 

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